If you are struggling with your weight, this is a valid question to be asking yourself. Unfortunately, up to 1 in 5 women may be getting around with undiagnosed, subclinical hypothyroidism. This just means that it is not yet bad enough to need medication.
Let’s start with a bit of a run down on what the thyroid is so that you understand why this is important. Think of the thyroid like the accelerator for your whole body. This little organ sits at the front of your neck, around where the Adam’s apple is, and is kind of shaped like a butterfly. Now, this little butterfly controls how fast or slow every cell in your body operates. The thyroid works harder, your metabolism increases, you run hotter, your bowels work faster, your nervous system works faster. This is termed Hyperthyroidism (fast/high thyroid). This presentation kind of sounds like you are now a superhero, but in reality you are a (typically) a thin, frail, nervous wreck with diarrhoea.
When your thyroid is working slower – Hypothyroidism (slow/low thyroid), your metabolism slows down, brain fog sets in, you’re fatigued, moody, constipated, fat, cold, and your hair starts to fall out. Not great. When bears hibernate for winter, their thyroid function slows right down, and they go to sleep and burn their fat very slowly over the season. This is what happens to us, but just not to such a degree.
Hypothyroidism is typically more common than Hyperthyroidism, and it is what I have been supporting women to overcome for the last 4 years or so. Although I also treat lots of people with the latter too, very successfully. The reason there is such a great need for holistic treatment of Thyroid dysfunction, is that western medicine and the primary care setting is not equipped to catch this disease until it is quite advanced. Then they typically have a one size fits all approach, utilising one single medication. This does nothing to address WHY you have this disease in the first place.
For practitioners operating in a holistic scope, the WHY is THE most important part of the equation. This condition didn’t just fall from the sky or walk in the front door. Unless you suffered as a small child, you weren’t born with this disease (although genetics can side against you). When we identify and treat the underlying cause for the disease formation, we can often achieve a full and lasting recovery, if we catch it early enough.
The most common causes for developing Hypothyroidism, include iodine deficiency (thyroid hormone is made of iodine – no iodine – no hormone), deficiency of zinc, selenium, vitamin D, magnesium (these nutrients activate the thyroid hormone), autoimmune disease which attacks the thyroid tissue, and stress (which deactivates the thyroid hormone).
All of these factors can easily be identified and corrected if you know what to look for. Unfortunately, western medicine almost never does look for them. The thyroid testing offered to someone complaining of weight gain, brain fog, fatigue, constipation, hair fall and mood swings, is typically one test – TSH. This is a pituitary (brain) hormone which tells our thyroid how much hormone to make. If it is above 4.5 the lab will run additional testing.
However, we really want TSH under 2, and even if TSH is actually spot on, there can be issues in several other thyroid markers causing your symptoms. These markers are simply not tested for in the majority of people, and the reference ranges for thyroid function are far too broad. This is because most GPs really only have one medication for Hypothyroidism, which is Thyroxine, of some brand (T4 – synthetic thyroid hormone).
What we really want to do with someone struggling with these symptoms, is catch it early with thorough testing (not just give you an antidepressant or a diagnosis of being ‘that age’), then identify the underlying causes and correct them. I have seen thousands of women achieve their weight loss goals this way, but more importantly, they regain vitality, can function better at work, can play with heir children, and finally get some regularity around their gut health.
If any of this resonates with you and you would like to learn more, pop into Wray Organic Mt Gravatt and ask to speak with the Naturopath, or follow the link below to book the appointment that will change your life. Learn more about my consultation process by following this link – https://empowerednaturalhealth.com.au/consultations/
Much love.
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